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  • Writer's pictureHélène Gouyette

Job boards, Aggregators, or Meta searchers: where to post job offers?

Updated: 4 days ago

jobboards vs aggregators Sourcing

Not so long ago, the term "online recruitment" was easy to understand: we spoke of job boards, the portals on which employers publish job offers directly. Recruitment has since evolved. Competition for talent and technological advances have allowed job aggregators (or meta engines) to emerge. Recently, HR Programmatic (Programmatic Recruitment) has become the latest innovation in recruitment.

In this article, we explain what job aggregators are, how they differ from job boards, and we share best practices to optimize your ad for a job aggregator. As a bonus, after the aggregators, the latest innovation in recruitment explained!

What is a job aggregator?

Just as Google allows you to search for websites, aggregators are search engines that allow you to find job offers on the web.

Through a technique called "scraping", aggregators are able to locate job postings on different websites, process them into a consistent format and display them in the search results on their own platform.

As a result, many of the jobs that appear on aggregators were not posted directly on the aggregator by recruiters. They were published on the company's own career page or on another traditional job board before being "sucked up" by the metasearch engine.

Among the main job aggregators in France are Indeed,, Adzuna, Jooble.

Why use a job aggregator?

More comprehensive:

Unlike job boards, which are often sector-specific, the function of a job aggregator is to find relevant jobs everywhere on the web. On the one hand, this means that the amount of information available on aggregators is greater. On the other hand, it offers job seekers a more comprehensive job search.

Time saving:

Since aggregators group job offers on a single website, job seekers can centralize their search.

Hidden gems:

Because aggregators search beyond job boards, they can find available positions that job seekers would not have found by doing a standard job board search. One of these hidden positions could be a candidate's dream job!

Easily diagnose the job market:

Aggregators offer a quick and efficient way for anyone interested, whether they are looking for a job or not, to gather a quick assessment of the job market in a particular field. A simple search on an aggregator can easily provide information on the number of job openings available, the companies that are hiring, etc.

How to optimize your ad for a job aggregator

How do you ensure that job aggregators spot your ads in all relevant searches?

Here are 5 tips to optimize your ad for aggregators:

1. Use the right keywords

Using the right keywords in a job aggregator can be helpful when searching for different open positions, as it allows users to search by job title, company and even references. This can allow people to find positions they are qualified for and help them narrow down their search.

So make sure the keywords you choose in your ad are the ones most likely to be searched by the potential candidates you are targeting.

Google's keyword planner tool helps determine the most relevant keywords and average monthly search volume for your job ad.

2. Maximize keyword density

Once you have selected the right keywords, you need to make sure you use them throughout your ad. The higher the word density in your ad, the more likely it is that your job will appear at the top of searches on job aggregators.

So make sure your keywords are included in the job title as well as the job description. They should represent at least 2% of the words in the ad.

3. Choose the right location for the position

Job aggregators allow candidates to search for jobs by geographic area. Therefore, you should always list the location of your job posting in the nearest metropolitan area.

For example, let's say your company is located just outside the boundaries of a major city. It's unlikely that job seekers in your area will search for positions in your city. Instead, they will use the nearest city to narrow their search. Doing so may cause job aggregators to exclude your position from relevant searches. Therefore, by using the nearest metropolis as your search location, you ensure that your job posting will be included in as many relevant searches as possible by aggregators.

4. Use the mass distribution function of other job boards

Many job boards allow you to post your jobs on other job boards, including job aggregators, thus expanding the reach of your job posting.

However, with mass posting, you don't have much control over the content that will appear on an aggregator. So make sure your ad is written with an appropriate keyword density.

5. Allow aggregators to pull jobs from your career site

By allowing aggregators to pull jobs from your career site, you ensure that your open positions are included in aggregator searches.

However, as with the bulk posting feature, by allowing aggregators to pull your jobs, you give up some control over what information appears in aggregator searches.

The evolution towards HR Programmatic

After (re)discovering what job aggregators are all about, you're probably wondering if they're right for you. And the answer is yes!

However, the management of sponsored campaigns on the different aggregators can be quite complex, so there are solutions that allow you to automate this task as much as possible. These are called HR Programmatic solutions (also called programmatic recruitment) and they are the latest innovation for recruitment.

Programmatic recruiting on aggregators can be a key part of your overall HR marketing strategy, allowing you to reach 100% of job candidates through simultaneous and automated delivery of your job postings on the social networks, websites and mobile applications that your target candidates browse every day.

HR Programmatics makes it possible to target the right candidates based on socio-demographic criteria (location, interests, position held, etc.), in order to display the right HR communication (job offers, employer brand, events, training, etc.) in the right place and at the right time on the entire web.

Jobboards, Aggregators or Metamotors: where to post job offers?
Evolution of recruitment technologies

Seeqle's AI-automated HR Programmatic solution uses native advertising technology to create visual ads that integrate naturally into their display environment to reach passive candidates - qualified candidates who are currently employed and looking for opportunities - to make them discover your ads in an attractive way and thus convert them into active candidates interested in your company on search engines or aggregators.

HR programmatic has many benefits:

  • Increase the rate of qualified applications

  • Reach active and passive candidates, i.e. 100% of the job market

  • Enhance employer brand and candidate experience

  • Reduced costs per candidate

To find out if HR programmatic is ideal for your need, try Seeqle's free analysis tool which will tell you the size of your target audience and the results you will get from your recruitment campaign!

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