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Programmatic HR: the best alternative to job boards

Do you use job boards and job boards?  Perfect! Get 5x more qualified candidates directly into your HR tools with programmatic recruitment.

Programmatique RH Job boards et sites d'emploi

How does our AI-powered HR technology work?

Automated HR programming simplifies the distribution of job advertisements, employer image promotion, training initiatives and other HR-related communications. It has the advantage of not only distributing job offers on job boards and aggregators, but also on various relevant media such as social networks, websites and mobile applications. The people reached - whether active or passive candidates - correspond precisely to the profiles sought, based on various targeted criteria such as skills, location, training, position held, etc.

Première étape pour une campagne de recrutement programmatique réussie

Your brand and goals are analyzed

Within the Seeqle tool, work with our experts to define the best advertising strategy, then create 600 variations of your ads in just one click, thanks to our AI-assisted tools. 

Deuxième étape pour une campagne programmatique RH réussie

Your offers with the right candidate in the right place

Our programmatic technology leverages AI and optimizes the delivery of your opportunities, to target the right candidate with the right message, in the right place, anywhere on the internet.

Troisième étape pour une campagne programmatique RH réussie

You receive the best candidates directly

Candidates flow directly into your existing process. Our technology establishes a loop with your system so that your performance is constantly optimized.

Les avantages de l'IA n°1 de programmatique RH 

Diffusion multicanal

Omni-channel distribution

Simultaneous visibility on different social networks, websites,  mobile applications and search engines

Audience ciblée en volume

Targeted audience in volume

A better ratio of qualified candidates  thanks to  the power of socio-demographic targeting 

Candidats passifs atteints

Passive candidates reached

Reach out to qualified candidates who are already employed but looking for career opportunities

Rapports précis

Lead capture form

Easily capture the contact informations of leads who click on your ads

Reach the hidden market of passive candidates

Ciblez les candidats grâce au Social Big Data - Seeqle

Job boards target  exclusively the market of candidates in active search, that is to say only 20% of available candidates. This  "  post and pray  » strategy recquires on you  to wait for the right profiles to come to you. Why not go directly to find the candidates you need?


Candidate acquisition via programmatic advertising  allows you to target the hidden market of passive candidates , that is to say candidates already in post but listening to opportunities.  They are not on job boards or job sites and  represent more than 80% of job candidates  !  

See further  and  also reach your future candidates  where they already spend time:  on social networks , on search engines and on the more than 2 million  websites or mobile applications  that they use  everyday !

Transparent & flexible pricing

A job board charges an average of €800 to showcase just one of your job offers for 1 month, with no guarantee that it will be shown to the right candidates.

With Seeqle, there's no smoke and mirrors! Distribute your job offers across the entire web to the right candidates, from €790 per month, with no limits.


See our pricing

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Only 20% of candidates are actively looking for a job. Target and reach up to 100% of the market! 🚀

Our HR Programmatic solution allows simultaneous and automated dissemination of your job opportunities on the entire web, where your target navigates every day.

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